11 Temmuz 2015 Cumartesi


"Show me the nature of Reality.
Bless me with the Knowledge of Oneness,"
I begged.

Suddenly everything changed before me.
Reality was opened out in a moment. 

I saw the boundless view.
All became dissolved in Light—
united within one joyous Love.
Yet the Light cast a shadow,
grim and terrible,
which, passing downwards,
became like restless water,
chaotically tossing forth spume like smoke.

And I heard and unspeakable lament —
an inarticulate cry of separation.
The Light then uttered a Word,
which calmed the chaotic waters"

My Guide asked:
'Do you understand the secrets of this vision?
I am that light—the Mind of God,
which exists before the chaotic dark waters of potentiality.

My calming Word is the Son of God—
the idea of beautiful order;
the harmony of all things with all things.

Primal Mind is parent of the Word,
just as, in your own experience,
your human mind gives birth to speech.

They cannot be divided, one from the other,
for life is the union of Mind and Word.
Now, fix your attention upon the Light,
and become One with it.

 ~ ~ ~

In my experience only the other night, I observed myself from the wiggle of energy all around my body, and how it was relating to all of the energies all around that. I saw how my energy connected to everyone that I had ever met, some distant threads barely visible, and others quite strong and close even from a long physical distance.


It was because of the energy, the wiggle, that made my physical body move and react to things, not the other way around. We are not our physical bodies, we are so much more.

~ ~

The physical realm, what we can physically see, touch, taste, and everything in-between is not real. It is simply not reality, but a reflection and expression of true reality. This is a playground of possibilities, a place we've chosen to come play in the creation of the 3D. 


The mental is invisible, but it is not un-seeable. We can see it, and the more we can see it the more we can see the mind of God, and become One with it.

Lets be real with each other – Everything physical is a holographic reflection of something infinitely more complex than the human brain can completely understand. It is something we're working towards but it transcends 3D concept and linear thinking completely.

From our perspective it seems never-ending. The vastness of space encompasses us, but from a higher perspective existing outside of space time, the concept of space does not exist. You exist above concept when you raise your frequency to match what we've named the '5D'.

It's time for this to be talked about more openly. There is more and more scientific research being done on this – and for good reason!  Here are some prime examples of this discussion:

1, 2, 3

True knowing does exist, but it takes a sort of "cosmic respect" and the willingness to be open to always learning and growing. Understand that we are all students of Source, who, in turn, is also our student. We are that eternal energy that is experiencing the 3D through us to learn. We never stop evolving. 

With Love,
Another You


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